We are now in the process of calling all the people who have not RSVP'd. So if you happen to be on that list, please do not be upset at the call. We just need to know for food and seating arrangements who is and is not coming. Please be patient with us!
Only 24 more days! I can hardly believe it! It is coming so soon! Things are falling into place. There are some more items that need to be ordered, but almost everything else is last minute stuff. It kind of stresses me out, but there is nothing else to do but wait.
Aug 23, 2006
Aug 11, 2006
another job prospect down the drain!
So for those of you who don't know, I interviewed for a position at Allegan High School. I found out yesterday that I did not get the position. Sad, but the drive would have been long so I'm not too disappointed. I have a few more prospects in the works; we'll see how those turn out. If you know of any openings in schools or otherwise, let me know!!!
Aug 1, 2006
So the interview was weird. There were three principals for different high schools, an HR person, and me in the interview. There was no conversation going. I don't know if it was my fault or there's, but no one would talk unless they were asking me a pointed question. The people didn't communicate with each other, and they were so cold acting! I can't really say they were unfriendly but they weren't really friendly either. They just sat there and stared at me. So I have no idea if they liked me or not. I'm not sure if I liked them or not. I'm going to be checking out their schools online and see what I think.