
Aug 8, 2007

what the stauch's are up to....

This posting is to catch you all up on the exciting life of the stauch's. My family (immediate and extended) have reminded me that I have not done enough posting lately.
This is a picture of me and most of my former roommates from college. Kind of random...I'd post a picture of dan and myself, but I'd bet we haven't taken a picture together since Christmas. Wait...I don't need to bet. I'm sure of it...hmmm, what did we do for my birthday or Valentine's Day....I don't know....but we didn't take a picture of it!!!

(oh! the above picture is from meg's birthday in July, so it's recent!)Another picture of your's truly at Cristy's going away party. *Sniff* She has left the good times in GR!!!!

Dan and I are still gainfully employed. I just started a new job in July; so I'm getting used to that still. We are seeing some of the fam on Labor Day. I have a weekend trip with the girls this weekend. Dan is leaving soon for another business trip....other than that, there's nothing new to report!

I tell ya, what a great, words, pictures and more words! That aught to keep you all satisfied for a while! (aught or ought??? is ought a word? it's not misspelled according to google!)