
May 12, 2011

The couch has arrived!

As I mentioned in this post, Dan and I ordered a sectional for our re-staged family room/office. It came in surprisingly quick, just under 4 weeks. Here she is!

We love her! She is super comfortable, and fits into the room nicely. We had to hunt and hunt for a sectional small enough for the room. The room is pretty narrow, around 11 feet. 

The ottoman/bench is probably going back to the store it doesn't fit too well in the room. I do want to have a coffee table, but I'm not sure what will look best in the room. Our subdivision garage sale is tomorrow and Saturday so I'm going to see if I can find something there.

The pictures need some work too, but I might get a divorce if I ask for those lovely shelves to be moved. :) Apparently they are no fun to hang...wouldn't know, I didn't do it!

We had a showing yesterday, and the couple was at our house for a long time. The showing was from 6-7, and I came home at 7:02 with their cars still in the driveway. I hung out at our neighbor's house until they left around 7:20. The prospective buyers stood out in the driveway chatting for a while. It was such a beautiful night last night, and our neighborhood was so alive, kids and parents out all over. I hope that entices these buyers!

Side note: Isn't George beautiful? What a dog!