Apr 24, 2010

The Beginning: November 12, 2009

It’s about 4:00pm, and I’m sitting at my desk as work. I’m counting down the minutes until I can leave. A typical experience about that time every day! I had just finished eating a banana when a piercing pain shot through my head. It felt like a knife had been stuck in the back of my head (side note: I’m very desensitized to the gory details of this experience. So sorry if anything is TMI!).

I gripped my desk and stared bug-eyed at my computer screen. What is happening? My head HURTS! I’m not sure what to do. I can’t really think straight. The pain must have triggered the “I’m sick” button in my brain because I got up and went to the bathroom. I sit down in the chair in the bathroom. Some senses come back to me. What am I doing here? I’m not going to throw up. What good is the bathroom going to do?

I remember the lady I carpool with, she seems like the type to have a “pharmacy” at her desk. This is just a headache. Maybe I have a migrane. I go to Deb’s desk. She is concerned and wonders if we should head home early. Nah, I’m fine. It’s almost time to go anyway. I get some pain reliever and head back to my desk. Thirty minutes or so later, we head for home.

When I got home, I told Dan about the headache. He isn’t too concerned and neither am I. It’s just a headache, right?


Adminswife said...

You are an amazing writer. I can feel myself there with you. Ow! My head hurts too.

Tobin and Erin said...

This is going to make me cry. Never heard all the "gory details" before.

Tim said...

Ominous music plays in the background...

Lacey said...

Thanks for doing this, Em. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the story, even though I'm sure it won't be easy.

Luke said...

More! Lacey and I can't sleep, and this is captivating. Oh...and it's all about us, of course.