
Jan 20, 2006

so i was informed last night that i posted a falsehood. dan did not say that blogs are nerdy. i don't know what he would call them, but he doesn't like them. he doesn't want the family to hate him so i said i would correct my mistake. he just doesn't like them.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I love it "falsehood." I guess you are now in Avonlea. Love those movies. Have a super weekend. Any ideas for names for me for my blog? Can't think of a thing! Love you lots,

  2. i TOLD her to use "urmom". wouldn't that be HILARIOUS????

    Sheesh, nobody listens to me. Is it because I'm so far south? Grrr.

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Haha, urmom. I like it.

    I like Emily, too. :)

