
Feb 2, 2006

so here's the deal....i don't have the box to make a title. i think i lost it because of the background i chose to use.

student teaching update: i hate it. that's a little strong, but not by much. now i know that i am a perfectionist and i don't like doing things if i can't be the best. so i'm trying to figure that into the situation i'm in. here's what's wrong with my life right now...

1. i struggle remembering high school math. i feel like an idiot when i can't answer student's questions. at least 4 times a week this occurs while i'm lecturing, and about 1-2 times a week this happens in the other classes that i don't teach. i know that i have done the math, and i knew how to do it at one point. i'm just still amazed at how much i've forgotten. (i feel a little better though because the other math student teacher feels the same way)

2. i can't take criticism. my teacher is sitting in the front of the room everytime i teach. he is there to "helpfully" add things i forget, rescue me when i get stuck, and give me feedback on how i did. but let's be honest. the first time i teach the lesson it usually goes terrible. the second time is always better, but i truly think he thinks i'm stupid or dumb. he always tells me different strategies for approaching the next day's lesson, but i either don't know what he is talking about or i would rather figure it out on my own. he basically tells me what to do. and he's always there! he won't leave the room. if he does it's only for 2-4 minutes, but during the time the lesson usually goes better. i feel like i'm being graded and evaluated everyday twice a day. oh, and he no longer says i'm doing "great" or even "fine."

3. i went to a seminar about job searching and how and when to look for a teaching job. but since my student teaching is so wonderful, i don'tknow if i want to be a teacher. so that adds a whole nother pile of stress to my life.

4. i can't find the cords to my IPAQ. i think the ones at the kendall's are mine, but i can't prove it and they think they are there's. (was there enough "theres" there?) that is stressing meout too. i've already lost part of my christmas present.

signing off now before i start crying

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Em, Em, Em. I feel for you, sweetie. I'm sorry you're so frustrated. Remember, God put you in this situation for a reason, and He's not going to let you be overwhelmed. You're going to handle it. I hope that encourages you. :)

    I love you, dear heart. Just say the word and I will be on eBay or or something, ordering you new IPAQ cords. And feel free to cry, if necessary. Holding your emotions in is never healthy, either. You may end up just jacking the other teacher in the face. Just a tip.

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

