
Mar 3, 2006

First Interview with LCS

I had my first interview for a real-live teaching position today. It went great! The guy who interviewed me was so nice and friendly. I feel like I answered all of his questions well. There weren't any that I didn't know how to answer like the mock interview I went to last night.

At the end of the interview he gave me an application and said if I would like to pursue this job, to fill it out and mail it to him. However, he said I needed to fill that applicaiton out and mail it to him last week. Which at the time I did not see the sense in since I didn't know anything about the job. application is sitting at his office right now. I'm not sure how he missed it, but i've already filled out the application. I do not know if I want the job, but it looks like a good opportunity. (I've recently heard some negative things about the school, but I do not know whether I should trust the source or not.)

So there's the job search update. As far as student teaching goes, I love it! I had a sub today, because my teacher doesn't like to work on fridays anymore (just kidding! his wife is going through chemo right now and is not doing well). So I had total control of the classroom. My sub was very nice, and she didn't mind that I taught every class. Well, taught is a stretch b/c 3 of the classes had quizzes or tests, but I was in charge the whole time. So yeah...there's my life right now.

i'm so glad it's friday!!!!


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Yay for Emily being in charge and loving it! That makes me happy.

    Way to be stomp all over that interview, too. You're the bomb-diggity. :)

    Love you!


  2. Didn't I say that it would be different when you were the teacher and not the student teacher - yep, I said that. Way to go! You are amazing! It was great talking to you the other day. When you get a minute - give me a call. We need to make a decision! Love you!

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Good job. There is negative stuff about every school (or every place for that matter). If your source is a former student, you will have a totally different perspective as a teacher. If it is a former teacher or staff member, keep your antenna up for more information.

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I'm here with the fam, but you're not. That makes me sad. Miss seeing you. I'm glad you kicked that interview's tail, though. You rock, Em. I love you and hope you're enjoying life!

