
Sep 11, 2006

More construction updates...and other stuff

If you are coming through Kalamazoo on I-94, leave extra time! Just west of Kalamazoo, westbound traffic is down to one lane for almost 15 miles. I just drove through it last weekend. It wasn't bad, but I went through at 11 at night!

5 days and counting!

I subbed today at PCS for the spanish teacher. I have reaffirmed my decision that I can be a teacher. I was doubting for a long time, but the kids were just wonderful. It really made me want to be teaching in a small, Christian school. (Dad aren't you excited! Too bad it can't be PCS right now!) I really didn't do that much because the teacher was not expecting to not be in school today, but I loved being back in the school setting.

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