
Sep 29, 2006

We're Back!

We are back in the good ole US of A, and we are so glad to be here. Dan and I had a blast in Mexico, but our first thought once we hit the Houston Airport was, "Where can we get some American food?" (By "American" we mean greasy, fatty fast food) We inhaled our dinner at Famiglio's Pizza (like Sabarro). It was FANTASTIC!!! Don't get us wrong - we loved trying all kinds of Mexican, Italian, and exotic seafood dishes, but after a week of it we were ready to get back to normal food!

I'd put pictures of the honeymoon up, but my mother has hidden them from me on my own computer. Notice that our honeymoon pictures are up on HER blog. My mother-in-law currently has our hard copies of the pictures. Sooooo - Dan and I have nothing. Sorry! Complain to the mothers - it's their fault.

While in Mexico, we went kayaking (sp) in the ocean which was sooo fun! Swimming was great all week because the hurricane left behind some phenominal waves! The highlight of the trip was the ATV tour we took (4-wheelers). We drove those bikes all over the Mexican countryside. We went through towns, streams, fields, dirt roads, paved roads...everywhere! It was so much fun! Dan and I decided we really really really want ATVs now. The food really was great down there (contrairy to the tone in the first paragraph). There were five restaurants at our resort, and we liked all but one of them. We went to the bad one for lunch one time and didn't like it at all. We thought the dinner menu might be better, but why waste a perfectly good dinner? We LOVED the mexican restaurant. Roasted cheese is my favorite! I'm going to learn how to make it.

The flight back was much longer than anticipated because of bad weather. We arrived at Houston about 20 minutes early, and we boarded and taxied early. Then it all stopped. Bad weather had prevented earlier flights from leaving so there was a LONG line of planes waiting to take off. We sat in our plane on the runway for 1 1/2 hours. It really wasn't bad at all because we got lots of free stuff to keep us occupied. I didn't mind one bit. The part I did mind was not getting to my parents house until 2am Sunday morning. (Originally we would have been there by 10:30 Saturday night).

So we are back and desperately trying to clean up our apartment. It is a disaster zone right now. We are willing to go on another honeymoon at anytime though!


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Emily- Congratulations on your wedding! I've seen some pictures online and you look just gorgeous!!

    Sounds like you guys had just a wonderful honeymoon. Were actually heading to Puerta Vallerta next Friday! What resort did you stay at? I'm so excited to go, any suggestions??

  2. Anonymous3:50 PM

    another honeymoon, huff, not till i get my first one! hehe, jk, if i had the money i'd take you on one. hahaha, i guess that would be more of a vacation then a honeymoon...

    if you and dan get ATV's, I'M COMING OVER. uh-huh.

    hey, wanna meet sometime and hang out? we could do a halfway or something. let me know if we could do something like that. it may have to wait until after vball season, OR i could do a mid-week thing (like on a wednesday). i love you buckets, can't wait to see you!

    -Erin R.

  3. We are so proud of you both! See you tonight - can't wait!

  4. Is roasted cheese the same as saganaki? If so, I know how to make it.
