
Jul 5, 2007

more work updates

Today I had 5 hours of training with various co-workers on specific areas of my job. By the time I had completed the third hour my brain was absolute mush! Luckily, I had a lunch break before the next two hours, but I was still recovering by the end of the day!

The first two hours were training on creating a database, importing the data into Excel, creating a pivot table, and analyzing the data. This part was not too bad because my co-worker did a good job of explaining how it worked, and I was familiar with both programs.

Then I go to another co-worker's cubical for the third hour. I sit down and he asks, "So how much do you know about programing?" My reply, "Nothing." You can visibly see his demeanor droop. My interpretation, "this is going to be rough." Let me tell you, rough doesn't even begin to explain it. I don't even know how to describe it. It was SO over my head. Here's the overall picture that I will be doing on a monthly/quarterly basis: create a report from data on our mainframe, let the report run (which may take a few days), save it to a specific place, import the data into an existing Excel spreadsheet, tweak the data so it fits the need, and finally, email it to the appropriate person. Sounds easy, right? not hardly.

After lunch was another hour of said programing mumbo-jumbo. I can tell you I absorbed nothing from that hour...

so that's my week so far!


  1. You can do it! Get hands on and do the programming as soon as you can. It is the only way you will absorb it. I predict that six months from now you will think it is easy. Anything worth doing is worth doing badly, so you can learn to do it better.

  2. Can't think what your "Greek" means, it is above me. Maybe Luke would be a help. But, like Dad said, "YOU CAN DO IT!" and you will! We have complete confidence in you. You are AMAZING!

  3. oh em. i haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate programming. i feel for you sooo much right now! you poor baby. i wil hug you next time i see you. oh, i got your invitation in the mail for the honor varner thing. i don't think i can make it. i have an intern picnic in decatur that saturday, so i don't think it's logical. what do you think? would you really like me to come? OH and did you get jo-b's invite??? i'm soooooo mad, i don't think i can go! it's the second day of preseason. booooo! alright, later tater...hang in there at work, don't get frustrated and KEEP TRYING. eventually you'll show that program who's boss! :)
