
Jun 19, 2008

We are (almost) homeowners!

A much anticipated update has arrived! Dan and I will be homeowners on July 16. After 1 month of negotiating with the bank (more waiting then negotiating!) our offer was accepted! Yay! The move in day is August 9. We would move sooner but with my actuary exam and weddings, the weekends just won't allow it. Here's a pic of our lovely new abode...

As all homeowners must do, we bought our first tool for the new house:

On May 10 Erin and I ran in the River Bank Run, the 10K which is 6.2 miles. We did very well for our first race. My goal was to finish in under an hour, and I finished in 56:51. Woohoo! Here's proof. I am on the left side in the front waving my hand (wearing a maroon long sleeve shirt).

Proof of my excellent running abilities:

(That's me halfway behind the guy).

Lacey - I'm working on a post with a whole bunch of yummy recipes that I've tried lately. You asked for some on your blog, and I will get those up someday! :)


  1. YAY for your new house! (It's beautiful!)

    YAY for tools! (That's a great picture, by the way.)

    YAY for recipes! (I'm looking forward to getting some from you. You're an excellent cook!)

    See you Saturday, bright and early!

  2. Loved the pictures! Dan-O is so photogenic (sp). Love his expressions. I don't think he has a serious bone in his body. Love him anyway! Congratulations on the house! Exciting times!

  3., your house is gorgeous! I can't wait to see it in person someday. Study hard, and enjoy your strawberry time with lacey and the kids! Love you, talk to you later.
