
Jul 13, 2009

Day 3

Sorry no picture today...

Summary of Day 3: We woke up at 6:20am with George licking at our faces. We went to the Morgan's house for the day while Emily went to work. Zachary played Game Cube almost all the day. Zach: That's not quite true. We did go to the park for an hour.

Mrs. Morgan made a necklace for Elyse, and Elyse made one for herself. It's not finished yet.

Elyse and Zach got a hot chocolate from Starbucks on the ride over in the morning, and we brought Mr. and Mrs. Morgan a smoothie.


  1. So much to say! Aaaaaaah! I will put a comment in each post to say what I want to. In this one...I gotta say, I LOVE hearing about this from the kids perspective too, SO FUN! Elyse, you have to put pictures of the necklaces on here, I really want to see how artsy fartsy you are! Zilla, that is probably exactly what I would have done all day too. Hehe. I love me some gamin' time.

  2. Kids - you are GREAT at blogging. Never knew you had it in you. Keep up the good work.

    George does look AMAZING in that hat! Hope Zachary doesn't get his fleas from it (jk, Emily & Dan).

    We are at the library so we can blog and read emails, etc. Keep watch, you might see us having fun.

    Zachary & Elyse - we are eating at Randy's tonight! I will eat chicken for you, Elyse. Zachary, I will just eat and eat and eat just for you!

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Fun! Looks like you kiddos are having a great time! Dan looks a lil crabby in that Phase 10 shot...was he losing??

    George looks good in a hat. Very gangsta.

    Can't wait to see those necklaces, Elyse! I bet you did an amazing job!

    Thanks for being great, kids! And thanks to Em, Dan, Luke, and Lace for watching over them!!!

    love you all,

  4. Hey! I am sorely lacking my daily updates. Sorely.
