
May 18, 2010

Opinions Needed

We have an open house on Saturday, and I am attempting to "stage" some rooms better. I am no interior designer by ANY means, so let me know what you think. Be honest, you won't hurt my feelings. :)

Dining Room Shelves Before:

Dining Room Shelves After:

Better? Eh?

Sorry about the picture quality. We need a new camera.

The reason for the change is to free up the big white frames for our bedroom. I want to do as much staging as possible with the things we already have.

Bedroom soon to come...


  1. To my eye, the new arrangement looks too busy and too regular. Maybe mix up the shapes on the different shelves and perhaps delete a few of whatever is on the bottom shelf. That's my $.02, but it probably worth even less.

  2. I'll be sad that you're leaving the lakeshore! :(

    What about switching the bottom and middle rows? It seems top-heavy to me. Are you going to re-re-paint neutrally throughout the house?

  3. I was going to say that I LOVE the new arrangement, but I might agree with Karen about switching the middle and bottom rows. Looking great, though, Em! (And p.s. What is on the bottom row? Are they little jars? Did you just happen to have a dozen of the same little glass jar? I'm curious!)

  4. My two cents worth: Jars on top and pictures on the bottom. But, what do I know - all my decorations are in a box in YOUR basement. You do an amazing job with your house!

  5. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I think that's a creative way to fill some shelves so you can use your pictures frames elsewhere. I would switch the top and middle, great suggestion. The glasses wouldn't make sense on the top.

    Looking good! I am looking forward to other staged photos!


  6. I read a blog post about decorating with what you already have. These are things I have, plates an Mason jars. Lots and lots of Mason jars! :)

  7. I like the before and after! Any way you do it, those shelves will look really nice. I hope your open house goes well.
