
Jul 13, 2010


Maybe “Lack of “ should precede the title on this post.

I was totally oblivious to my lack of functioning in my physical body. As you can probably tell, my mind was keeping me plenty occupied!

The nurses and doctors would come by periodically and ask me to squeeze there hands with my fists or wiggle my toes. For a while, I just did what they asked without looking at my hands or toes while doing it. Thus I did not realize that there was no movement in my fingers, toes, leg, arm, anything on my left side. 

Notice in the previous post that I did not feel a squeezing sensation on my left leg. The squeezing was definitely there! I thought it was the blood pressure monitor, but they were squeezing my legs to encourage blood flow and prohibit blood clots.

The first thing I remember feeling is on my big toe on my left foot a tiny, distant prick when they squeezed my toe with pliers. Not gently mind you, I’m positive it would really hurt a normal person.

Doctor F. doesn’t know how much or if any movement will return. We will just have to take it one day at a time.


  1. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I heard a nasty rumor a while back that you were done with these posts...I'm glad that was incorrect! I hope you are remembering the kinds of details that will help you with your interviews and video-making. Thanks for posting these; it is really great learning what it was like for you to experience what the rest of us only observed.


  2. Seriously, I agree with Betsey. Makes me really get a sense of what you were feeling during the whole situation. Love you!
