
Apr 10, 2011

Another AVM Article!

The Grand Rapids Press decided to publish my story in today's paper. Below is a link to the article on mlive. You've got to love action photo they have of us. It super lovely!

AVM Article on Mlive

Another AVM related note, I found out through a friend that I can potentially get an EEG at her office pretty much on-demand. The reason this might be helpful is my neurologists have been somewhat concerned that my recurring headaches are being caused my mild seizure activity. The hard problem with that is catching the seizure activity. It takes 2 weeks to get in for an EEG at the hospital, and my headaches are not predictible at all. 

So Dan and I are considering this option. I'm not 100% sure it's necessary, but it might be nice to know if a seizure is causing the headaches. I'm not too concerned anymore though. The headaches continue to gradually decrease in intensity. I'm not even taking prescription painkillers anymore, so I'm not sure the extra effort is even necessary. 

I continue to hope that I can reach out to people in need and encourage them through my experiences. Dan and I occasionally have walks down memory lane about the whole AVM ordeal. We had one such talk last night. It's amazing how long it takes you to process an experience like this. It has truly made us stronger people - stronger in our relationship with each other and with God.


  1. Great article! And I love the photo. Skinny minny. Sheesh.

  2. Uncle Jon8:39 PM

    I liked the article and picture too, but the story is the best part! Thanks for giving God the glory. And we thank God for keeping you around.
    The new TV series, Body of Proof, had a story line last week that focused on a victim who had AVM surgery. Just kind of interesting. The condition must have gotten a publicist! :)
    Praising God for you!
    Uncle Jon
