
Jun 9, 2011

Dining Room Table Project - Painting #1

I'm labeling this post "#1" because I can tell already the painting is going to take a while.

I only accomplished half the table in about 30 minutes tonight. As the chairs require much more skill and carefulness, I anticipate me finishing this table in August. Here's to positive thinking!

I chose Linen White semi-gloss latex paint by Behr. Why Behr? Because that's what Home Depot sells. As for the color, all I did was look at a few white color samples in the store, pick one, and take it home.

I did make sure to get semi-gloss finish so that it would be nice and wipe-able in the future.

 The paint looked particularly yellow next to the stark white primer. I'm getting scared. 

Well, that looks ok. I hope once I get it all painted, the color will even out. If it doesn't, I will try my hand at glazing!

One word about a good paint brush. It is worth every penny. I bought the nicest paint brush that Home Depot sells (probably not saying much to all the pro-painters out there, but it was the best the store had). Let me tell you, I can make a straight line, no problem, with that brush. Priceless!

Now for an action shot! Yours truly painting the table.


  1. Look at that pretty lady! And I think the color is going to look fabulous! It's a really rich, creamy white. Thanks for the paintbrush tip. If I get into some DIY stuff in the future, it's nice to know these things.

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    NICE TEETH!!!! :) And I think the color is going to work out great. A bright white might have even looked a little goofy with such a dark stain right next to it. I love ivories, though, perhaps I'm biased.

    It's lookin good, nice work! I take it you didn't have it finished in time for that open house, though?? Did that ever end up happening?

    love you,

  3. Yes, the open house happened (and one private showing) since then. it is still not finished. I hope to make some headway tonight and this weekend.

  4. Hello, facelift! Loving it so far. Any chance you can get a feature that allows me to receive emails when you reply to my comment? Or am I (silly me) just missing that feature because I'm a cotton-headed ninny muggins?

  5. I can't find that feature in the set-up, but I'll keep an eye out for it. I imagine if I could reply to just your comment, then it would email you. I'll try to figure out how to do that.

  6. Erin & Emily, when you make a comment before you hit send, there is a check point where you can receive emails about other comments made on this blog. Does that make sense? Look where it says "Choose an identity." You can't check it if you don't comment. Hope that helps. I can't believe I know something you smarter people don't know. Amazing! Miracles never cease.
