
Jun 7, 2011

Dining Room Table Project - Priming

Timing was the tricky part for the staining and priming/painting steps. I wasn't sure which one to do first. I decided to do the staining first, and tape off the stained areas while I painted. This proved to be quite tricky for the back of the chair.

I used Zinsser oil based primer, and I think it had great coverage and grip to the chairs. 

After taking this picture, I read the label. 

"Sticks to all surfaces without sanding."

I could cry. Betsey and I roughed up all the surfaces that were going to be painted, thinking it was necessary for the primer and paint to stick. Lamentations, we could have been done sanding at least 2 hours earlier!

I turned the chairs over to paint the legs first.

Then, I attacked the top of the chair. Priming without touching the stain was quite tricky, especially with all the nooks and crannies to get into. To help eliminate errors, here is my super-great taping technique.

It wasn't foolproof. I still got paint on the stain. Darn. I will have to figure out how to fix that at some point.

Four-ish hours later, she's done!

I'm quite nervous about the quality of my priming job because oil-based primer dries REALLY quickly. I'm hoping a little sanding and the paint will even everything out. It looks a little shotty right now. 

It's coming along!


  1. Sweeeeet! What color paint are you doing? Cuz I can only envision white at this point. Wait, maybe I should read the next post cuz you might be done already.

  2. It will be a shade of white. That post will come tomorrow (6/9/11).
