Jan 18, 2006

ok guys, i've given in to the pressure...i'm starting my own blog. it's is hard to email everyone everyday (not that i actually do it), but it would be hard if i did do it. since everyone is always asking how student teaching is going, i figured i could write it hear so everyone could see it. so that's the plan...no guarentees it will happen...oh and so you all know, dan strongly dislikes my having a blog. he thinks its nerdy. what does he know?

so student teaching is going alright. i don't hate it and i don't love it. it's just alright. this last week and a half has been extremely boring. this week was finals. so the last half of last week was review and they took tests this week. i was struggling to stay awake. i wonder if they saw me nodding off in the front of the room. cuz that would be really funny if they did...but in my defense, what in the world was i supposed to do? there were no papers to grade. i was working on my lessons for next week, but golly, a body can only take so much staring at a book/computer! so yeah that's about it.

i'm just finishing 5 days of babysitting 24/7...haha, that doesn't quite make sense. i've been babysitting the Kendall's for 5 days now while their parents are on vacation. the kids have been surprisingly good, but i will be glad when today is over. i need the four day weekend.

ta-ta for now!


Tobin and Erin said...

I LOVE the new blog!!!! YAAAAY for giving in to peer pressure! Now we can all stay on top of what's going on in your life. I like knowing how my family is doing.

Wow, you are going to be glad this week is over for sure. Goodness. I don't think I could take it!

Thanks for the emails! I know how hard it is to respond to them...time just slips away from you.

Speaking of which...I need to go do homework. But I was the first to comment, let's all remember!

Lacey Rumley said...

Wow - welcome to the 2000's, Emily!
