
Jun 25, 2006

invitations are printed!!!

yesterday, dan and i met luke and lacey in kalamazoo to print our invitations at a friends of their's print shop. it only took us an hour and a half, and they look amazing! i am so impressed with how good they look! the only thing left to do is put them together! (hehe...ONLY...) sisters-get ready for a long weekend of taping and tying!

we have decided on a photographer. we have most of the pictures ready for the slideshow. we have picked out and ordered all the girls dresses. we have priced tuxedos and will have made a decision within the next week. we are 7/8 of the way done with registering.

things are coming together. i am a little stressed because my mom and dad are gone for such a long time, but we will get it all done somehow!


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    You are doing great!

    Family - I am using comments on Mom's blog to update on school, so check over there.

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    can't wait to put those suckers together! :) Woot.

    Don't be stressed, it's all going to turn out B E A yootiful.

    Love you,

  3. Yep, I agree! Bee-uu-te-ful! Can't wait to be invited and receive my invitation. Hope I get one!

  4. Anonymous5:20 PM

    FUN! let's put 'em weekend, right? can't wait to see you THIS weekend. we'll have us a good time. lata.
