
Jun 29, 2006


So here's the latest scoop. Not only is Northpointe not a full-time job (5/7 being the original offer) but it is not even a half-time job. The current, and official, news is that they have a position open to teach three geometry courses. No prep. That means I would be getting paid 3/7 of a full time position. Not that money is everything, but this situation just keeps getting worse and worse. I am not so excited about working there. I will take it if it is the only thing available, but I think it will be more trouble than it is worth. The teaching experience might be good, but since I would be working another job, that cuts into the time I will be available outside of class. Which in turn means I will not be as effective in the school; or so i think. Please keep us both in your prayers. We don't know what to do at the present moment.

As far as Dan's job opportunities go...he's got tons! There are two positions open in the 'Zoo area which he will be interviewing for in the next two weeks or so. One is good and the other is not as good. Right now I'd love to move so I kind of hope he get it, but we'll see.

I will be calling Northpointe next Wednesday to let them know what I think. I frustrated with their offer. Please pray that I will have wisdom and not make money the deciding factor. Or maybe it should be the deciding factor? dad, pcs is looking better and better as time goes along...


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    The key is Dan's job. I don't see how you can commit to 3/7's job not knowing where he is going to end up. Be patient.

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    emily...i am so proud of you. i knew you would knock their socks off! i am sorry it is turning into such a hard decision. they should offer you more hours; but maybe this is the way to make it clear that you shouldn't take the job. maybe. i don't know. wish i had all the answers and wish you were here RIGHT NOW. can't wait to see you today! i miss you. drive SAFELY alright???


  3. Miss you! I am sorry life throws such choices at you - but welcome to my world. Having a blast! Hope the girls are treating you like a queen and not a slave. Love you muches. Let me know how your hair and veil comes out. Would love to see it. If you have Dan's camera, take pictures and send them our way.

  4. Your hair comes out?!?!?! I thought all these years it was real!


  5. Luke - you are a real trip. You haven't lost your sense of humor at all. Love to hear it (except when I take it personally instead of a joke). Love you anyway!

  6. hair and veil turned out great. we did take lots of pics but they are on your film camera. dan's camera is in the repair shop.

  7. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Glad you made it back safe! We got Erin's purse, after getting a LITTLE lost on our way there. :) Stopped and saw The Devil Wears Prada on the way home, just because. Must have been God-ordained because we were passing a theatre at 5 and the movie started at 5:15. Sweeeeet.

    It was good seeing you! Love you, girlie!


  8. Anonymous8:53 AM

    that was kinda fun and random. i definitely turned on the wrong street, but we just turned down a road and cut our way across to where we should have been. it was interesting. love you em!

