
Oct 19, 2006

I have a job!

So I've given up on this posting pictures thing for the time being. I'm not sure what is wrong. Luke gave me some instructions, but I have neglected to follow them yet. We'll see if I get there or not.

Anyway - I finally have a full time job! I accepted a position as a receptionist at a therapy center very close to our house. I am excited about it. The people who work there are wonderful. I think I will get along great with all of them. It is a small business so I'd better! I start orientation on Tuesday and will spend the next week or two finishing at the Kendall's and starting at VSC. This job is an answer to prayer. Dan and I are so thankful that God put it in our laps (along with 2 other job offers). Isn't God good? We think so.

Dan is still working at ERAC and doing AMAZING at it!

We are still looking for a good church to get plugged into. We have only been here for two weekends, and we canned both of those churches after one visit. Any recommendations?

I went over to Lacey's this morning to make apple pie fillings and applesauce. What fun! We decided to make it an annual thing; however, we will plan a whole day to make the filling and sauces not just a morning. We were too rushed. We also might get into the blueberry and strawberry picking! Yay for being Susie-homemakers!


  1. My mom used to call me "Susie-homemaker." Memories! I want badly to get back into homemade things. But, during high picking season, we are in GA. So, maybe in two years.

    Congratulations on the job! We are so thankful and excited for you!

  2. Anonymous10:32 AM

    you are so cute! i love to hear about your new life...CONGRATULATIONS about the job dearie!! that's wonderful news. i am glad you get to spend time with lacey and do homey things. it sounds absolutely perfect. by the way, cat offered me a little more in the $$ maybe i will accept their offer. i am still not quite sure (waiting to hear from the FBI, cuz that would be my ideal job). all i know is that cat is for sure and nothing else is. i love you SO much and i miss you! take care of yourself.

    -erin r.

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Oh mylanta, you two are just adorable. Canning preserves and everything, Laura Ingalls. Can I be you someday??

    Congrats on the job! It is so good to see how God provides. Thanks for reminding us! Can't wait to see you!!!


  4. Anonymous1:39 PM


  5. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Thanks for your "just saying hi" card! You're spectacular.

    Love you,

  6. Anonymous4:11 PM

    thank you for the card. you are such an encouragement to me! EXACTLY when i needed it. i love you both, take care!

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Grandville Baptist is supposed to be a solid church. Was that one of the two? You could always try Res Life if you don't care what they preach, but want awesome music. : - )
