
Nov 1, 2006

1st day on the job

I started my new job today as a receptionist at a therapy center here in town. It was a busy day which was good because a lot of quirks came up that I had to learn how to do. Apparently, the girl before me didn't really understand how to use a computer so in her effort to simplify things she made a mess of some of the payments. I was very confused until my manager came to my rescue. The people there are just wonderful. They are so friendly and helpful. It makes me really happy to be working there.

Dan's birthday is this weekend (the 5th!). If you want to wish him a happy birthday. We are having a party here for him on Saturday night. It will be our first party at our own house...hopefully I don't burn anything! (At Meg's party last weekend it took me 3 tries to make the topping on a cheesecake because I kept burning it...darn)

We are going in again on the 15th to redo the tests on Dan's eyes. For those of you who don't know, we are going through the tests to see if he is qualified for LASIK. During his first visit, his eyes didn't cooperate exactly so the tests did not all have the same results. As you can imagine, the tests need to be EXACT for a surgery like this. So we are going in again to make sure the tests are right, then hopefully we will schedule the surgery from there!


  1. Good news! Glad to hear it went well. Going to try apples again today - burn city, here I come!

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM


  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Glad you like your job! Happy, helpful people are for sure the best. Glad you've got some. :)

    If I remember correctly from living with you my entire life, you make spectacular cheesecake. I can't imagine anything you making being bad. You're great.

    Didn't know about Dan's surgery. Eek. Hope that goes well!

    Love you,

  4. Anonymous5:57 PM

    WOW you're getting LASIK??!! That's amazing! I am jealous, I'll admit it. I hope the tests go well and you get perfect vision, Dan-O.

    EMILY, you started your new job!!! Congrats! I wanna hear lots more, but I guess I will have to wait until we see each other again. Or if I'm here when you call. Thanks for trying to get in touch with me! I am so happy for you in your new stage of life. Love love love!

  5. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Em & Dan,

    I haven't added minutes to my phone card yet, so I haven't been able to call you, but...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAN!!!! Sorry I missed it. Drat long distance! :)

    Love you both,
