So my birthday hasn't even arrived yet, but I've already celebrated it three times! Yay! What a great year! My friends got together for a girls night out - dinner, coffee, and manicures. Megan got a torch for Christmas, so she made us creme brulee (sp) for dessert. This is Megan and me about to dig in...

Oma and Dave came over on Sunday to celebrate Oma and my birthdays. We went out for dinner (Oma's birthday present), and I got an ipod. Woohoo! I'm running in a race on May 10, so I've been wanting an ipod to help my running...hehe, we'll see if it helps!
Dan gave me my birthday present from him a week ago. It was a set of golf clubs!!! I've been wanting to learn how to play, and since Dan loves to play, he got me a set so we could play together this summer. The best part about the golf clubs - they're
So I busy trying to set my ipod up before my work-out today...not sure if it's gonna happen or not. My computer is not as fast as it once was...
Elyse says: Love you Emily - good post!
Mom says: Megan sure is a daring cook - good job! Your nails look amazing. You have such good friends, jealous, I am. I guess teaching the kids at home puts a dent in our social life. Especially Tuesdays. We will do the Bible study in the morning and then do school when we get home after lunch. Hard Tuesdays for the next seven weeks. YIKES! Love your frequent updates. Good job!
This time it really is Tim talking.
I gave up golf in part because of how long it takes. 18 holes are supposed to take 4 hours, but it seemed like it never took me less than 6. I couldn't justify that much time away from the family. For a married couple, if you're going to play golf, the best way to play is together.
Beware! Men are notoriously bad at teaching women how to play golf. When he tells you what to do with your left arm it will probably be anatomically impossible for you.
Love, Dad
I didn't realize that I was on Dad's profile, stupid computer - so smart and yet can't tell beauty from brawn. Whatever!
so i tried commenting before, let's see if it lets me this time.
what's a torch, and how does it make creme brulee?
you freaked me out for a minute, i thought i missed your birthday. sweeeet, an ipod?! that's awesome. enjoy your tunes! the golf clubs sound pretty cool too, i didn't know they sold them in pink! what a fun new hobby, i'm glad you and dan can learn and enjoy a sport together.
love ya and see you later!
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