Sorry, no pictures this time, just an update on our lives.
Dan is out of work, for those who read this and didn't know. He is interviewing at two places: Lighthouse Insurance and Modern Woodman. He is also looking at some other positions open in the GR area. If you hear of anything, please let us know! We are confident that God has a good plan for our lives. We want to make sure we are sensitive to his leading during this process.
Emily is still working at Foremost Insurance. Her job is stable for now. Thank you, Lord! She is working on yard work with Dan most weekends and just being a housewife.
Thank you all for your love and support!
May 31, 2009
May 23, 2009
Grocery Shopping 5-23-09
I'm pretty sure this was my best saving yet for grocery shopping. I went to two stores: Aldi and Meijer.
Here is the Aldi load:

Milk - $1.89
Eggs - $.85
Brick Cheese - $1.29
Total: $45.08
Everything else was pretty typical for an Aldi shopping trip. The price of cheese was lowered which made it cheaper to buy from Aldi than from Meijer, even with coupons. I didn't have enough coupons to stack. So I didn't get the great deal that Lacey did.
Now here's what I'm super proud of....the Meijer load:

Hunts ketsup - FREE with coupon received in mail today. I have no idea how I got, but it's free!
Ritz Crackers - $2.50 - $1 from MeijerMealbox
Wheat Thins - FREE - with manufacturer coupon from SmartSource. Sorry, no idea what week it's from. I also used a $1 Wheat Thins manufacturer coupon, and I think I got $1 extra off. Not sure though...too many coupons.
Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce - $.44 each. I think I got ripped off on this one because my coupon was for $1 off 2, but the computer would only give me $.88 off because they were $.88 each on sale.
Ball Park hot dogs - $.98 each - $1 coupon on two, so $.48 each
Cool Whip - $.49 each using Kraft food coupon
Aunt Millies bread - $1.19 - $.35 manufacturer coupon, from SmartSource or RedPlum
Kraft Dressing - $1.49 - $1 coupon from MeijerMealbox or
Ekrich sausage - $1.69 - $1 coupon on two, so $1.16 per pound
Breyers Ice Cream - $1.99 - $.75 or $1 coupon, I had two coupons. One for each denomination. Making the ice cream $1.12 each.
Jello - $.50 each - $1 coupon for three, so $.5 for 3 total
Ragu sauce - $1.34 each - $.60 manufacturer coupon from SmartSource or Red Plum
Danactive - $2 each - $1 manufacturer coupon
Lever 2000 - $4.5 each - $1.5 manufacter coupon from Red Plum
Bic Soleil razors - $4.5 each - $3 manufacturer coupon from SmartSource or Red Plum
Coupon Savings - $32.79
Non-Coupon and Meijer promotions savings - $31.70
Total Paid: $33.47
Grand Total: $78.55
So it looks like I went over budget, but I have a Household Items column in my budget for toiletry items. I spent $9.17 out of that column bringing the grocery total to $69.38. Still $4.38 overbudget, I know. I had leftover from last shopping trip which will cover the difference.
Note: We are also have company at least once during this two weeks. That meal is included in the groceries bought.
-Eggs and Toast
-Bagels and Cottage Cheese
-English Muffin sandwiches
-French Toast
-Baked Oatmeal
-leftovers from dinners
-Debbie Snacks
-Pork Roast, mashed potatoes, veggies
-Lasagna rollups
-Baked spaghetti
-Sausage and Penne with Vodka Sauce
-Marinated Baked Chicken and Rice
-Chicken Salad sandwiches
-Brats and homemade fries
-Sausage Veggie Grill Pockets
Here is the Aldi load:

Milk - $1.89
Eggs - $.85
Brick Cheese - $1.29
Total: $45.08
Everything else was pretty typical for an Aldi shopping trip. The price of cheese was lowered which made it cheaper to buy from Aldi than from Meijer, even with coupons. I didn't have enough coupons to stack. So I didn't get the great deal that Lacey did.
Now here's what I'm super proud of....the Meijer load:

Hunts ketsup - FREE with coupon received in mail today. I have no idea how I got, but it's free!
Ritz Crackers - $2.50 - $1 from MeijerMealbox
Wheat Thins - FREE - with manufacturer coupon from SmartSource. Sorry, no idea what week it's from. I also used a $1 Wheat Thins manufacturer coupon, and I think I got $1 extra off. Not sure though...too many coupons.
Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce - $.44 each. I think I got ripped off on this one because my coupon was for $1 off 2, but the computer would only give me $.88 off because they were $.88 each on sale.
Ball Park hot dogs - $.98 each - $1 coupon on two, so $.48 each
Cool Whip - $.49 each using Kraft food coupon
Aunt Millies bread - $1.19 - $.35 manufacturer coupon, from SmartSource or RedPlum
Kraft Dressing - $1.49 - $1 coupon from MeijerMealbox or
Ekrich sausage - $1.69 - $1 coupon on two, so $1.16 per pound
Breyers Ice Cream - $1.99 - $.75 or $1 coupon, I had two coupons. One for each denomination. Making the ice cream $1.12 each.
Jello - $.50 each - $1 coupon for three, so $.5 for 3 total
Ragu sauce - $1.34 each - $.60 manufacturer coupon from SmartSource or Red Plum
Danactive - $2 each - $1 manufacturer coupon
Lever 2000 - $4.5 each - $1.5 manufacter coupon from Red Plum
Bic Soleil razors - $4.5 each - $3 manufacturer coupon from SmartSource or Red Plum
Coupon Savings - $32.79
Non-Coupon and Meijer promotions savings - $31.70
Total Paid: $33.47
Grand Total: $78.55
So it looks like I went over budget, but I have a Household Items column in my budget for toiletry items. I spent $9.17 out of that column bringing the grocery total to $69.38. Still $4.38 overbudget, I know. I had leftover from last shopping trip which will cover the difference.
Note: We are also have company at least once during this two weeks. That meal is included in the groceries bought.
-Eggs and Toast
-Bagels and Cottage Cheese
-English Muffin sandwiches
-French Toast
-Baked Oatmeal
-leftovers from dinners
-Debbie Snacks
-Pork Roast, mashed potatoes, veggies
-Lasagna rollups
-Baked spaghetti
-Sausage and Penne with Vodka Sauce
-Marinated Baked Chicken and Rice
-Chicken Salad sandwiches
-Brats and homemade fries
-Sausage Veggie Grill Pockets
May 10, 2009
Grocery Shopping for 2 people
I read what I call "frugal mom" blogs all the time. One highlight of these types of blog is publishing the deals they get on groceries. I wouldn't put myself in the super coupon clipper category, so I thought I'd share how I do grocery shopping.
Our family: 2 adults who work full time. My goal is to make 6-8 dinners that would serve about 6 people each. We are huge fans of leftovers so I never worry about cutting down a recipe. The only traditional lunch items I buy are granola bars and snack cakes. Other than that, I try to make every meal from scratch.
I shop every other week, and my budget is $65. I have recently started menu planning, and I mean real menu planning. Prior to a month or two ago, I would just buy the staples that I could make multiple dishes from. I was still staying within my budget, but I now realize I was not optimizing it. I try to make recipes that will use ingredients I already have on hand with only purchasing a few new ingredients each time I go. I only buy meat when it is on sale, so I try to make 2-3 meatless meals each week to make the meat stretch farther. I have several vegetarian/vegan friends so I am never at a loss for meatless dishes.
I shop at two stores mainly: Aldi and Meijer. So here's my haul for the next two weeks:
Highlights from Aldi:
Eggs - $.85 per dozen
Milk - $1.49 per gallon
Highlights from Meijer:
Bananas - $.28 per pound
Dishwasher gel packs (not pictured) - $.50 each
Saved in coupons: $7
Total spent: $58.46
Bagels & Cottage Cheese
English muffins - either with cottage cheese, plain, or egg sandwich
Eggs and Toast
French Toast
Leftovers from dinners
White chicken chili
Baked Chicken with rice
Lentils and Pasta with Italian bread (new recipe from Rachel Ray!)
Portabella burgers (also a new recipe from Rachel Ray) and homemade fries
Homemade pizza
Pork chops with mushroom sauce
Spinach Lasagna Roll ups
So you see I do not use coupons a ton. In fact I wonder if I'm even saving after buying the paper! That will be the next item I'll figure out.
Our family: 2 adults who work full time. My goal is to make 6-8 dinners that would serve about 6 people each. We are huge fans of leftovers so I never worry about cutting down a recipe. The only traditional lunch items I buy are granola bars and snack cakes. Other than that, I try to make every meal from scratch.
I shop every other week, and my budget is $65. I have recently started menu planning, and I mean real menu planning. Prior to a month or two ago, I would just buy the staples that I could make multiple dishes from. I was still staying within my budget, but I now realize I was not optimizing it. I try to make recipes that will use ingredients I already have on hand with only purchasing a few new ingredients each time I go. I only buy meat when it is on sale, so I try to make 2-3 meatless meals each week to make the meat stretch farther. I have several vegetarian/vegan friends so I am never at a loss for meatless dishes.
I shop at two stores mainly: Aldi and Meijer. So here's my haul for the next two weeks:

Eggs - $.85 per dozen
Milk - $1.49 per gallon
Highlights from Meijer:
Bananas - $.28 per pound
Dishwasher gel packs (not pictured) - $.50 each
Saved in coupons: $7
Total spent: $58.46
Bagels & Cottage Cheese
English muffins - either with cottage cheese, plain, or egg sandwich
Eggs and Toast
French Toast
Leftovers from dinners
White chicken chili
Baked Chicken with rice
Lentils and Pasta with Italian bread (new recipe from Rachel Ray!)
Portabella burgers (also a new recipe from Rachel Ray) and homemade fries
Homemade pizza
Pork chops with mushroom sauce
Spinach Lasagna Roll ups
So you see I do not use coupons a ton. In fact I wonder if I'm even saving after buying the paper! That will be the next item I'll figure out.
May 9, 2009
These are pictures I've been meaning to post for quite some time now. So here we go...
Elyse - We did use those cups you made us!

Our first time making Bulgogi from scratch. It was very yummy. We have been experimenting with various Korean dishes lately. I'm hoping to not lose that portion of Dan's heritage.
My first Mandu.
This is George's favorite activity in the evening - lay on his back while his belly get's scratched. He will lay down and be falling asleep within minutes.

Here's how George looks taking a bath...definitely not as cute as Titus. George kind of hates the bath. He's getting better though.

Elyse - We did use those cups you made us!


May 7, 2009
So I went to Mexico, it was great. No, I did not bring back the swine flu with me. I was back a full week before that broke out. Mom's been harassing me to post pictures, and I'll admit that I'm bad at it. So here goes:
This is how Erin and I spent most of the week, UNDER the hut. Well, I should clarify. That's how I spent most of the week. Erin's skin seems to like the sun a lot better than mine did.

This is the view from one of the pools. Sweet, huh?

This is the view from the end of the hall by our room. It had a little patio thing, and this was what you could see. It was absolutely beautiful down there.
Another view from the balcony...

Erin and I before going home. Don't we look lovely?

Here are my awesome photographic abilities at work. I tried really hard to take these artsy pics of the flora down there, only to find out that most were blurry when I got home. Great.

My attempts to capture the beauty of Mexico...

More mad photography skills...
Our room which was every bit as nice and clean as the website said!

So the pictures that would have been the greatest, had we been able to take them, would have been us doing water aerobics with the old people. Oh it was a blast!
The food was marvelous, of course. They had a mexican night (Imagine that?) where they brought all the food out on the patio by the pool and everyone ate dinner outside. It was spectacular. The food was hot off the grill. There was a mariachi (sp) band and a traditional Mexican dance that was entertaining.
It was a great trip, Erin and I had a blast! The only downside was the trip back. Luckily we had a direct flight, but we began traveling from the resort at 6pm and arrived back at my parent's to sleep at 5am. It was a long night, and the flight was only 4 hours of it! Most of the time was spent standing in lines. So fun!
This is how Erin and I spent most of the week, UNDER the hut. Well, I should clarify. That's how I spent most of the week. Erin's skin seems to like the sun a lot better than mine did.

This is the view from one of the pools. Sweet, huh?

This is the view from the end of the hall by our room. It had a little patio thing, and this was what you could see. It was absolutely beautiful down there.

Erin and I before going home. Don't we look lovely?

Here are my awesome photographic abilities at work. I tried really hard to take these artsy pics of the flora down there, only to find out that most were blurry when I got home. Great.

My attempts to capture the beauty of Mexico...

More mad photography skills...

So the pictures that would have been the greatest, had we been able to take them, would have been us doing water aerobics with the old people. Oh it was a blast!
The food was marvelous, of course. They had a mexican night (Imagine that?) where they brought all the food out on the patio by the pool and everyone ate dinner outside. It was spectacular. The food was hot off the grill. There was a mariachi (sp) band and a traditional Mexican dance that was entertaining.
It was a great trip, Erin and I had a blast! The only downside was the trip back. Luckily we had a direct flight, but we began traveling from the resort at 6pm and arrived back at my parent's to sleep at 5am. It was a long night, and the flight was only 4 hours of it! Most of the time was spent standing in lines. So fun!
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