This is how Erin and I spent most of the week, UNDER the hut. Well, I should clarify. That's how I spent most of the week. Erin's skin seems to like the sun a lot better than mine did.

This is the view from one of the pools. Sweet, huh?

This is the view from the end of the hall by our room. It had a little patio thing, and this was what you could see. It was absolutely beautiful down there.

Erin and I before going home. Don't we look lovely?

Here are my awesome photographic abilities at work. I tried really hard to take these artsy pics of the flora down there, only to find out that most were blurry when I got home. Great.

My attempts to capture the beauty of Mexico...

More mad photography skills...

So the pictures that would have been the greatest, had we been able to take them, would have been us doing water aerobics with the old people. Oh it was a blast!
The food was marvelous, of course. They had a mexican night (Imagine that?) where they brought all the food out on the patio by the pool and everyone ate dinner outside. It was spectacular. The food was hot off the grill. There was a mariachi (sp) band and a traditional Mexican dance that was entertaining.
It was a great trip, Erin and I had a blast! The only downside was the trip back. Luckily we had a direct flight, but we began traveling from the resort at 6pm and arrived back at my parent's to sleep at 5am. It was a long night, and the flight was only 4 hours of it! Most of the time was spent standing in lines. So fun!
Thank you for posting. I have been waiting and waiting for the pictures. It looks like fun! Not for me though. Glad you went.
Wooooooow! So beautiful; that's amazing, I am so glad you got to go! The scenery pictures are GORgeous, I didn't notice anything blurry; seriously, postcard photos there. And I really like your room. It looks so clean and comfy and very modern. Oh, and your suits are super cute! I need to get a new one for this year. Maybe later, a certain bridesmaid dress comes first! Thanks for posting the pictures, I have been pretty curious myself to see some of your Mexico trip. Love ya!
Let me clarify about the pictures. Notice I only posted three, but I took about 50. The odds of getting a clear pic were not in my favor. :)
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