Now don't get too excited here. I am taking baby steps. This is not a major organization overhaul. I re-organized the snack cabinet while Dan made dinner, and the pantry in about 20 minutes after dinner.
I was able to purge some slightly expired items along the way. Olive Garden salad dressing from Betsey's wedding, anyone? I'm embarrassed to admit how long she's been married. Let's just say it expired two months after her wedding. Two months! Really, unopened salad dressing is only good for two months? How do you think it is after two years???
The Snack Cabinet - Before
The Snack Cabinet - After
I moved the large unopened items to the pantry, and tried to stack things neatly.
Why do we have so many marshmallows?
The Pantry - Before
The Pantry - After
I have precious little cabinet space in my kitchen so I turned one of our coat closets into a pantry. It is really hard to get a good picture in the narrow hallway so that's why it took two shots.
You will notice tons of junk still on the floor and a bowl or two still precariously perched on top of the crock pot. Baby steps, folks, baby steps.
My organizing structure is:
Top half shelf - dog stuff and Korean ingrediants
Middle half shelf - baking items
Bottom half shelf - snack and drink items
What do you think?