Feb 9, 2006


my teacher totally ruined my lesson. i was all ready with a graphing calculator activity, and he said, "we'll i've got this really good activity that i made. here why don't you use it." so i looked it over and it looked similar but not quite the same. it wasn't as good at explaining, but i thought the kids might get it. let me just tell you...it was awful! the kids could not understand what the sheet was saying at all! i'm so mad that i took his advice. i was trying really hard at the end of class to be professional and wrap the lesson up. but how do i teach the entire lesson in 5 minutes. supposedly they should've been able to figure the lesson out from the worksheet, but of course that didn't work. so now i'm trying to decide if i totally want to abandon the worksheet for the second class. i think i do. ah! he frustrates me!


Lacey Rumley said...

Good job only posting this once. Definitely gotta laugh at your guinea pig students in the first class. You can do it...


Tobin and Erin said...

yeah those poor lil kids. lol!

umm....be assertive and don't listen to your helper dude seems like bad advice. so i won't say it (technically). but you're pretty smart. no olvidas. heh, not sure if that means "don't forget" or "don't remember". but i meant remember, don't forget. there.

love ya!

Anonymous said...

Good talking to you! Much better than emails or blogs. Sometimes experienced people don't know any better than the new guy. Sometimes the new guy has to teach the old dog new tricks. You seem like the one to accomplish that task. Go to it! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

Tobin and Erin said...

em, i have discovered the joys of buying textbooks online! guess how much i paid for my statistics book and about 5 intro to non-fiction books? yeah, 87.10!! wow! i heart the internet. they will be arriving in a couple of weeks...woot!

Tobin and Erin said...

you're so right. i heart my tunes! hey you...i miss you! this is ridiculous. family shouldn't be separated for so long and we nned to get together chicana! that's right. i'll start thinkin' up something. you call me sometime, alrighty?

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you, girl. Hope things are going better for you this week. Look forward to hearing from you.

P.S. If you leave comments on my xanga, I can't get them because xanga is now blocked by the Grace filter. Grrrrrrrr.

But I love you, Dad, I love you, I love yoooooouuuuuuu! (that was from Elf, by the way)


Anonymous said...

Is it possible to comment on the weekend? Or is this just for Monday through Friday stuff? How did the car turn out? Does it still run? We figured since you didn't call back you made it home safe and sound. Wish all you kids were closer. You need us to take care of you and we need you! Love you!