Sep 13, 2006

Technical Difficulties

I have just been informed by the webmaster that the website links do not work if you are using Internet Explorer. If that is you, just download Mozilla Firefox as your internet browser. (It's way better anyway! :) )


Lacey Rumley said...

The webmaster does, in fact, concur with Emily that Firefox is a much better browser.

However, he must also save face by saying the navigation links are not working in Internet Explorer 7, which is not released to production yet. Most IE users will still be ok on version 6 (as long as they like spyware, popups, one-page-at-a-time browsing, etc). OK, enough nerdiness for the wedding site.

Luke (representing the webmaster)

Anonymous said...

:):) you all make me smile


Anonymous said...

it went wonderfully! hope you enjoyed youe honeymoon.


Unknown said...

Dan! This is Justin Heap from CU, Maintenance, the cooler half of Jordan & Justin...dude, congratulations on the wedding/marriage!

I imagine since your site says you have been married for 2 days that you will not be reading this for a few more - hopefully you are honeymooning - so when you get back - drop me a line!

Adminswife said...

Hey, just cuz your married doesn't mean you can't keep up with the updates. How was the honeymoon? How goes the job hunting? How goes being the cheif cook and bottle washer? Need I go on?

Anonymous said...

Bottle washer?? Yeah, it's been a while since you've updated. Holy gee whiz.

You've been married 12 days. AWWWWWW.
