We have gotten an obscene amount of snow this weekend. It's about 24 inches so far, and it's still snowing...yay!
Dan and I decided to make Lepkugens (sp) for Dan's dad for Christmas. This is a traditional German cookie. It has molasses and candied fruit it in. We made a half batch which made about 15 dozen cookies. Yikes! Here are some photos from the event.

So we forgot to take a picture of the finished product, but just imagine that lump of dough rolled out in a round cookie shape. The cooked cookie doesn't look much different from the dough!
We have now celebrated Christmas with the elder Stauch's. We will see Dan's mom on Christmas and my parents on New Years.
Merry Christmas!
You gave away mini-fruitcakes for Christmas? That's mean.
You two look like great chefs, though! I bet it was fun making them. And a good workout! Two in one.
Have fun with all that snow!
Cool video. George looked like he was having fun.
The cookies are, um, interesting.
It seems that George was having trouble finding the frisbee, or was he just playing with it. He cracks me up! At least he is learning!
This week will pass by in a rush. We all will have heart attacks, but it will be over soon. Lots to do, not much time, etc.
See you soon!
Elyse says: Why have two different videos with George finding the frisbee?
To clarify her comment and mine, the first time we watched the video is was about 10 seconds long and George didn't find the video. When we watched it today, there were about five times to catch the frisbee, don't know what happened to the first time we watched it.?.
I uploaded the wrong video the first time I did this post. I realized later and fixed it!
Get some George!
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