The front of the house kind of gives you an idea...

The mailbox is now completely engulfed in snow. Notice it has a gangster lean to the left. Yeah, it got hit in the FIRST snowfall of the year. It has since been hit again, and we are hoping to keep enough snow around it for the remaining of the winter to keep it upright.

This is me and the lovely pooch, George standing next to the pile at the end of the driveway. Notice it is tall than me! Holy Moses!!! What snow we have!!!
Now, you might be tempted to think that we just made huge narrow piles around the driveway, but the snow covers the entire yard up to our living room window, a good 2 to 2-1/2 feet. I checked with Dan to make sure I wasn't exaggerating on those figures. Oh, he says it's closer to 2. STILL...that's a LOT of snow!
Luke and Lace - care to one up us? Do you have more snow?
Oh! Here is a super cool video of George. We thought it would be great if we could take a picture of him on top of the snow pile. Here is our attempt to get him up there.
I'm not sure, but that might be considered "Dog abuse." Loved the video anyway.
Maybe your mailbox will be like ours with a huge slit down the side, but it still works. I think the term is "Duct tape fixes everything." Our city plows seem to hit ours every year. But, we keep the duct tape handy.
The kids are up - I guess we have to celebrate Christmas with them. Humbug!
Loooove the videos of George!
You guys really do have a mother-load of snow! Maybe you could train George as a rescue dog in case you lose Emily in a pile sometime?? Just a thought....
Love you!
I can't believe the drifts are as tall as you are, Em! WOW. That's a lot of snow. George is giving it his best shot, I think. Poor little doggie. Has he gotten used to the cold snow yet? Love you guys, fun photos, and Merry Christmas!
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