Here is lovely us back at our house after the race. I wanted to snap a few at the race, but of course, I forgot my camera!

Another thing I've meaning to blog about is homemade cleaners. Cleaners from the store are stinkin' expensive, and I just can't seem to find good deals to match with coupons. So I decided to make my own.
First, I made a glass cleaner and all purpose cleaner. I am using the all pupose to clean everything that's not glass, even toilets. If I encounter a tough job (i.e. soap scum on the tub) I sprinkle some baking soda and a little water and scrub away. I had no issues cleaning anything in my house so far! Good-bye store bought cleaners!
These are frugal too. I paid:
$2.79 vinegar
$1.99 alcohol
$5.98 spray bottles (probably could have gotten them for a $1 at a dollar store, but I bought them at Meijer instead)
$1.89 baking soda
$1.47 rubber gloves (using $1 manufacturer coupon)
Total: $14.12

I think these cleaners will last forever too. The spray bottles and gloves won't have to be replaced any time soon either.
Next up, laundry soap! I hate buying laundry soap. It is so expensive, and the coupons are ridiculously low value for laundry soap. So I made my own! I got the recipe from the Duggar's book. I haven't tried it yet, so I'll have to update then and let you know what I think.
Total cost: $8.40 for 10 gallons of laundry soap. Yikes! I split the batch with a friend. I will have 5 gallons once it's all said and done. Also I didn't come close to using all the borax or washing soda. I can make several more batches before I'd need to buy more. The bar soap gets used up every time, but it's only $1.40 per bar.

You are amazing! I like the picture of the inside of your fridge. The jar below your super deal says "good." I think you did good, too!
Congratulations on being Miss Homemaker! I will take lessons some day!
Congratulations on your run. When I get younger, I think I will try that, too.
You are so beautiful! It's been awhile since I've seen a picture of you and Dan. And your teeth are looking wonderful! It is tempting me to go ahead and get those braces...
GREAT deals! Man oh man, I feel like such a slacker!
Did I forget to mention...Dan, you are AMAZING! I don't think I would be able to get any more than half way through a 10k right now...if that...and I run semi-regularly! Incredible. probably would have beaten your River Bank time if you had someone pushing you, like when Erin H was running with you...don't forget that aspect!
Unfortunately, Erin H was running with me! :) I even had the motivation to beat Dan!
Speaking of cleaners...I am excited to try your baking soda trick on the soap scum! We have some in our bathroom, and the only cleaner I have currently is a wedding gift from a professional cleaning lady. She uses it all the time; it's called Basic H. Do you know anything about that? It's supposed to be all-natural and all-wonderful and able to clean anything...but it doesn't seem to do anything on the dirt that I have around here! Soap scum is one thing that Basic H does nothing to at all. So I am going to try your trick! Thanks for posting!
Oh, btw, did you know Kristen Bean is engaged??? :) YAY!
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