Tuesday morning Cornerstone had their Honors Convocation. I received my cords for graduating with a GPA of 4.946, Summa Cum Laude and for being in Alpha Chi. The blue and green cord is Alpha Chi and the gold one if for my GPA. I also got the mathematics division award. It doesn't really have a name, but it is for excellence in mathematics! I was soooo excited because I really didn't think I would get an award at all! Here are some pictures: the second one is me with my roommates and the first is my math award. They gave me six books! I got teaching books for calculus, precalculus, statistics, consumers math, functions, and a book on Escher. Yay! I love books!
Way to go Ahbilly!!!
I do think that GPA ia 3.946, but you're entitled to exagerate today!!!!
Good job! It was exciting to see you get your awards. Too bad standing up was an issue, you would have had so many more pictures. But, we did what we could.
They shouldn't punish you for doing well in math. Where is the cash?
WOW!!! did i mention that i BURSTING with pride for you??!! cuz i am! you're amazing. holy cow...seriously, you have accomplished SOOOO much; you deserve everything you got and more! wish i could have seen you get those awards. and yay for expensive books, huh??? that's great! (now you can teach me statistics...i hate that class) hehe
love you!
ummm...yeah...my gpa is 3.946...so my math education hasn't taught me that much...
sok...inflation these days, i understand. miss you beautiful! how are plans going for the wedding? are you crazy busy? i will see you for graduation next weekend YIKES! ready to bawl my eyes out just for you. we REALLY need to hang out more. geez. i miss you so much it hurts. my sisters are cool.
You are nothing short of incredible. Not to say that you're tall. You ARE short. But AMAZING just the same. :)
There I go again. Let's get this straight...you're not big, you're little, but in a big way. K?
And I about wigged out when I saw your GPA. At first I thought you got a 4.946 on a 4.0 scale, which is spectacular. Then I thought maybe your scale was a 5.0. Which is still amazing, obviously. But that made me worry...what if MY scale is a 5.0??? Cuz then I'd be in BIIIIIG trouble!!! My GPA would be pretty CRAPtacular, you know what I mean?
Haha, LOVE YOU!!!
ALMOST DONE!!!!!!! Or...are you already done? I dunno. Anywho, one way or the other you are ALMOST THERE!!!! YOU'RE AMAZING! And I am jealous. Yes, it's true. ;D
I love you! See you this weekend all decked out in your loverly robes. "Isn't she...loverly???" YES. See you soon!
Awww...looking at those pics makes me miss my kids. And that includes you, Pretty. :)
No, there were choir elections for offices (I was nominated for secretary). I didn't win the vote, but I am still in choir.
Ah, they haven't voted Erin off the island yet. :)
Can't wait to talk to you and see you graduate, Beautiful!
Graduation was GREAT! Anxious to see pictures. Maybe I will drop mine off at WalMart today. Send me any digital pictures you have. Fun times! Update! Love to read your thoughts.
way to gra-jee-ate!!!! you are so smart and successful! love you.
hey em, you never showed me your books. i wanna see 'em sometime.
remember the part where you graduated from college and finished student teaching so that you aren't busy anymore?????
I WANT TO HEAR FROM MY SISTER!! update, please. ;D hehe
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