This is my very first baking day. I'm trying to become Suzie Homemaker here! Really, I do love to cook, but this baking day idea is driven by our need to cut back our grocery spending.
Blueberry Muffins: Using the fresh blueberries that I got such a good deal on, I made muffins for our breakfasts. This will last us 3 meals. Don't they look scrumptious???

English Muffins: I found this recipe on The Happy Housewife, and I thought I'd try it. By my estimation it cost $1.40 total for the recipe, and I made 24 muffins. Now the recipe was only supposed to make 11-13 muffins, but I rolled them out too thin. So the finished product was a bit thinner, but they still taste awesome!


Cookies: This is part one of doing away with Little Debbie. Sorry Little Debbie, I really do love your scrumptious cakes! I froze most of these in individual packets for easy lunch making. I haven't estimated the cost on these, but I imagine $2-$3. These will last me easily 4 weeks, and it would have cost $4 (at least) in Little Debbies. So not much saved, but a penny saved is a penny earned!